Monday, October 07, 2013

Os filmes nas aulas de Língua Inglesa

Movie Script

Gosto muito de trabalhar com filmes nas minhas aulas de Língua Inglesa, porém uma das maiores dificuldades estavam relacionadas ao trabalho com trecho de diálogo em específico. As transcrições disponíveis nas legendas, muitas vezes, são adaptações.
Pesquisando em vários sites encontrei um que contém vários scripts de filmes. Este se mantém atualizado no que se refere a filmes mais atuais inclusive. O endereço é
Vale a pena conferir...

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hi everybody!

My suggestion is site,
This section is dedicated to learning a relaxed way, stimulating the ability to interpret the contents from games. Have fun playing!

See you!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Mina do tesouro para professores de LI"

Quero compartilhar um site muuuuiiiito bom com várias atividades em LI.
Tem para todos os níveis, públicos e interesses!!

É o

Nesse site terão que contribuir também com atividades elaboradas por vocês.
São professores do mundo todo "sharing" suas criações para serem usadas!!

Good job!!

teacher Patricia Balan

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Useful site to learn English

Hi, people!

I would like to share with you some activities about English to classroom.
I think this site is a very useful tool to work with students.
You can change the exercises to increase levels of knowledge.

Using technology in ELT

Hi Regina

I would like to share my suggestion that contains many interesting tasks for our students. It’s:

It’s a website for kids, but teachers can adapt it for your teenagers when they take them to the tech lab. It’s common our students like to play and these activities can help us in our classes. I hope it can be useful you all.

See you

Jaqueline Rodrigues



Thursday, January 07, 2010

APRENDA MATEMÁTICA, em língua Inglesa. Como?

Visite o website

Friday, December 05, 2008


I found a nice site that we can use to improve our English classes. It is called Tower of English. There you can find many suggestions of activities to use with your students. I suggest you to visit the art's archive. There is a very nice mystery story related to paintings. Good way of learning about art and artists using the English language.



Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hello teachers! Here goes a nice "tongue twister". Say it fast and loud. Enjoy!
Betty Botta
Betty Botta bought some butter,"now", she said,"this butter's bitter". "If I put it in my batter, it will make the batter bitter."
So she bought a bit of butter, better than the bitter butter, put it in the bitter batter, made the bitter batter better. So 'twas better Betty Botta bought a bit of better butter.
And also, I'd like to share a preposotion song I've seen on youtube. It's, bye!

Monday, November 17, 2008

It´s so interesting!!!

kisses a lot!!!
